Games and Practices
Our practices will be at Thompson Park. Once we get to that time of scheduling practices, we will let you know where and when. Each child is expected to wear their practice jersey and black shorts at every practice.
Currently, home games are at Spindler and in various Upper Arlington fields.
Are you currently a Coach?
If you are looking to switch clubs, please contact us. We would love to talk with you.
Matar Faal
Coach Matar, father of three soccer players himself, has been coaching players for over 20 years. Matar spent his own youth in Gambia, West Africa where he grew up playing soccer. Matar played for two years in leagues within Europe and the middle east….. His brother, Tony Sanneh played with teams in the United States including L.A. Galaxy and Columbus Crew. Clearly, soccer runs in his blood. Coach Matar immigrated to America in 1994. Since then, he's wanted to share his knowledge and passion for soccer with others. He's coached hundreds of players, many of whom have gone to play soccer in high school, and some have even earned college scholarships. Matar also was a coach for Santos Futbol Club for over 15 years, and while he was coaching there he developed many players and teams. Coach Matar decided to start Youth Discovery to introduce more children to the sport. His love of soccer is a passion that he enjoys sharing transitioned to starting his own club Upper Arlington United, with his values and fundamentals that he has been privately coaching for years. With his own club, he can surround himself with coaches, players and team families that share the same goals. Matar’s goal for Upper Arlington United (UAU) is to become a successful club and to teach kids of all ages how to play this beautiful game called soccer.
Philosophy and Conduct Expectations
Player development is the focus of our Club. We encourage a fun, friendly environment with emphasis placed on skills. Our coaches have various experience levels coaching the game of Soccer.
We expect discipline, good sportsmanship, teamwork, and having fun from our players, coaches and parents.
We realize that soccer is not the only activity in the player's life. We will try to accomodate practice and game times with input from the various school calendars and parents. We want the players to be able to attend all practices and games and will do what we can to make that happen.
While we want to strive to win every game and tournament, this is secondary to player development. Through training, skills and displine develop as well as teamwork.
We expect all parents, spectators and coaches to understand the conduct required at a soccer match. Act like your mom is watching. Especially with proper conduct towards the referees. Some referees are young children themselves who have just recently become referees. We as parents, players and coaches need to support them in their development. Please leave the control of the game to the referee. Please do not interact with the players, coaches or referees. Let them do their job. Just cheer them on! Think before you speak. You could embarrass yourself or even worse yet, your child and family. Soccer is fun, let's keep it that way.